Privacy & Security

Taboo KY collects personally recognizable information needed to provide you with requested services and process your orders. This information is provided directly by you, such as when you complete the account sign-up form, order form, or provide information over the telephone or email. The personally recognizable information you provide may include the following information, which we use as indicated below:

  • Name — used for order fulfillment and marketing
  • Date of Birth — used to ensure that you are a legal adult
  • Mailing, Shipping, and Billing Addresses — used for order fulfillment and marketing
  • Email Address — used for order status communication and marketing
  • Telephone Number(s) — used for order status communication and marketing
  • Credit Card or Debit Card Number — used for payment for orders. 

Sharing and Disclosing Your Personal Information

We do not share or disclose any of your personal information without your consent.